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About us





Doctor, teacher, outstanding master of the art of massage, creator of unique rejuvenation methods, founder and director of the International School of Aesthetics and Massage MANUALISTIC. His innovative massage techniques have been revolutionising aesthetic medicine, they are based on the fundamental principles of physiology and the holistic concept of massage, which have become a new approach to solving many bio-aesthetic problems.

Dr Sergey Shchurevich graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at Novosibirsk Medical Academy in 1998, with a specialisation of general practitioner. During the following two years, he studied cosmetology and worked as a dermatologist at the International Plastic Surgery Clinic, where he gained experience in post-surgery facial skin rehabilitation.

From 2000 to 2002, he received training and had an internship at INMASTER Manual Therapy Institute in Barcelona from a famous teacher Enrique Garcia Castells.

In 2006 he studied traditional Japanese acupressure, in Tokyo.

In 2007, he founded his own School of Aesthetics and Massage MANUALISIC, with its representative office in Poland since 2008.

He has conducted his masterclasses in: Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, Grate Britain and France.
His Myoplastic Face Massage "Super Lift" was created especially for the Italian brand Aldo Coppola.

He is a lecturer in the beauty industry and presented his techniques several times at LNE Poland congresses.
His numerous publications can be found in industry magazines such as LNE, Aesthetic Cosmetics, Beauty Inspirations and Kosmetik International.

Dr. Sergey Shchurevich is the author and owner of several professional cosmetic brands: Quinta Essentia Aromatherapy, Quinta Essentia Thalassotherapy, Glyco_lab




Beauty therapist, certified beautician, massage therapist, respected congress expert, trainer, licensed Tai Chi instructor, passionate about complementary therapies.

For 25 years she has been developing effective body shaping programmes that combine a variety of treatment methods based on manual therapies with proven effectiveness. 

She conducts Master Trainings in professional body care.

Ludmila has been recognised by the LNE International Congress and Exhibition by receiving the HOLISTIC BEAUTY AWARD (2015).

She took first place in the survey of "Miasto Kobiet" (City of Women) for "The Best Hands in Krakow" (2012) and also received the "Golden Hand" Certificate of the Parisian Massage Academy "Gil Amsallem Academy" (2007).

Since 2008 she is the exclusive representative of the International School of Aesthetics and Massage MANUALISTIC in Poland. Ludmila is a main partner of Dr. Sergey Shchurevich, who organises master classes and promotes the innovative methods of the school.