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Myoplastic face massage

NAJBLIZSZY_TERMIN_KURSU: FR • Paris • June 14 – 16
CENA_KURSU: 5000 zł

The course price includes:

1. intensive training

2. professional tutorial video

3. a text-script with methodical materials

4. presentation & masterclass of the concept 

5. coffee & refreshments.


Myoplastic face massage by Dr. Sergei Shchurevich 

The most intensive massage method, which restores tone and elasticity of face & neck muscular tissues. 

Usually most of the facial contour deformations are caused by the ageing processes, and are associated with a loss of the muscular tonus. Therefore, the main focus of myoplastic massage is facelift with smoothing and strengthening of the face oval. In terms of effectiveness, myoplastic massage is comparable to a plastic surgery procedure and is even better it in terms of all safety issues.

Furthermore, it can be applied as a complete stage of pre-plastic stage and also as post-traumatic rehabilitation, which helps the facial tissues to recover faster and more efficiently after all injuries.


During the course of Myoplastic Face Massage with Dr Shchurevich, you will learn that this technique focuses primarily on the muscular corset of the face and neck. Its goal is to restore the tone of the muscles and surrounding tissues, to reactivate the appropriate level of blood circulation and nerve traction. This massage technique is based on deep kneading and myofascial smoothing moves.


Myoplastic Face Massage by Dr Shchurevich is a highly effective method in order to correct changes caused by the ageing process and degeneration of the facial muscles.


Wskazania do masażu mioplastycznego

Characteristics of the therapy:

- duration of the massage procedure shold be between 40 and 60 minutes;

- number of session in the treatment can be 10 to 20 procedures, based on the client's morphotype and age; 

- in order to reduce muscular adaptation to the massage, it is necessary to change the approach (amount of kneading, speed & time applied on each zone) must be changed every 3-4 sessions; 

- the sequence and order of manipulations in the massage scheme remains the same - decompression-trophic-tonisation but the percentage each phase might  be different:

(a) for young age 30%-40%-30% 

b) for middle age 20%-40%-40%

Characteristics of the t 

 Przeciwwskazania do masażu mioplastycznego:

Classification of manipulation:

1. Block of adaptive moves;

2. General trophic compressions;

3. Intensive (myo-tonisation) kneading phase to lift & shape fat tissues.

4. Final percussion and vibration movements


Myoplastic massage can be combined with other anti-aging therapies: 

Mesotherapy and bio-revitalisation - after 1-2 weeks;

Fillers - after 1 month;

Botox therapy - after 1-2 months;

Fecial Tread lift ( poly-lactic acid,) - after 1-1.5 months; 

RF lifting after 1 month;

Chemical peelings - after 1 month;

Thread lift (aptos and similar) - after 3 months; 

Plastic surgery - after 6 months. 



Recommendations for Myoplastic massage treatment: 

✓ gravitational type of face skin ageing,

✓ facial asymmetries, 

✓ general reduction of muscle tone in the face, neck and décolleté areas,

✓ lipo-dystrophic changes in the lower face parts (displacement of fat sacs);

✓ swelling, dark circles and ptosis (drooping) of the eyelid skin;

✓ skin rehabilitation after injuries and plastic surgery (scar treatment);

✓ rehabilitation of facial muscle paresis and paralysis.



Keeping a good look is not just a merit of fashion, it is also a sign of health, success and high social status. The road to beauty is not always easy or smooth but it does not lead only through the plastic surgeon's office or a beauty salon, it also involves working on the internal mechanisms of ageing processes. 

Cechy charakterystyczne podejścia do przebiegu terapii: 

 Połączenie masażu mioplastycznego z innymi rodzajami terapii anti-aging: 

 Contraindications to myoplastic massage:

x  inflammatory processes on the skin (acute acne);

x  fresh injuries and surgical scars;

x oncological diseases;

x blood diseases associated with clotting disorders;

x respiratory diseases, as well as ENT diseases in the acute stage; 

x severe nerve inflammation and neuropathies.


Kurs "Mioplastyczny masaż twarzy"

Nowadays, there is no more current issues in aesthetics therapies than fighting all tissue changes associated with the ageing process, particularly in the face, neck and décolleté areas.


The knowledge and experience shared by Dr Sergei Shchurevich will help you master the art of massage and become more proficient in your unique profession.